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The Kickstart Project 
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What if you could ditch all the complex marketing strategies…Ditch the overwhelming business tactics… 
And learn the same system Grace used to build a highly successful coaching business that's attracted over 7,000 customers? 

Now you can inside The Kickstart Project!
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ONE TIME OFFER - Only $37: Want my 4 most successful video scripts that attract your perfect client over and over again? They're proven to work and easy to deploy for your business (even if you don't want to be on camera!) Click YES to add this to your order now for just $37. (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Here's What You'll Get:
  • Learn how to embrace the 7-figure Female Entrepreneur mindset and avoid the traps, mistakes and roadblocks many fall into;
  • Define your why, your message and your "voice", even in a saturated market;
  • Discover the three stages in the evolution of a successful coach or consultant and learn the steps you need to take to master your stage;
  • Learn the Power of One and discover how simple business building can be if you focus on the right things in the right order;
  • Access the ultimate Doers Toolkit to learn and implement the same tools we use to build a multi-million dollar lifestyle business;
  • Plan your income goals and understand the 5 simple numbers every entrepreneur MUST know
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OMGoodness ladies!  This material is mind blowing!  Grace Lever, I love this format and of course the content.

I'm seeing and hearing so much more clearly.

Ladies, this is definitely going to be an amazing ride to 7-figure incomes for us women entrepreneurs!

Melissa Kirkpatrick
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